Underlayment Installation
Elizabethtown Flooring – Located in Lancaster County
Design | Comfort | Solutions
Understanding Flooring Underlayment Installation
If you live in Pennsylvania and are planning to install new flooring in your home, you’ll want to understand the importance of flooring underlayment. Flooring underlayment helps protect your hardwood or laminate floors from moisture and damage, but it also serves other key functions as well. In order to get the longest life and best results out of your new flooring, underlayment installation must be done correctly.
What Does Flooring Underlayment Do?
Flooring underlayment is the material that lies between the subfloor and the finished floor of a room. It can be made from a variety of materials including foam, cork, rubber, or felt. It acts as an additional layer of protection for your floors and provides cushioning to reduce noise and help even out any minor imperfections in the subfloor. It also helps to insulate your floor from both temperature changes and moisture damage.

When Should You Install Flooring Underlayment?
Depending on the type of floor you are installing and its location in the house, you may need to consider different types of underlayment installation. For instance, if you’re installing hardwood floors in a basement with high levels of humidity, then you will want to use an underlayment product that is specifically designed for damp areas such as rubber or cork. On the other hand, if you’re laying tile or vinyl in a dry area such as a kitchen or bathroom then foam is usually sufficient. Additionally, when installing laminate floors over concrete subfloors it’s important to use an underlayment with moisture-barrier properties to prevent water from seeping into the core layers. This applies whether you’re installing over a slab concrete or plywood/OSB subfloor systems as well.
How Should You Install Flooring Underlayment?
For most applications, it is best to install the underlayment before laying down any type of finished floor covering such as tile or hardwood planks. When installing foam products make sure they are laid flat without gaps between boards so there isn’t any movement when walking across them after installation. Additionally when working with felt products make sure they overlap at least 6 inches on all seams for maximum protection against moisture intrusion. Finally make sure all underlayment is secured firmly using construction adhesive around all perimeter edges before applying any type of finished surface material to ensure long lasting performance over time.
Important Things To Note
Installing proper flooring underlayment can help protect your floors from damage caused by moisture and temperature fluctuations while also providing sound insulation and cushion support for walkers alike. The type of material used will depend on where it’s being installed in your home but should always include overlap seams if using felt products along with construction adhesive around all perimeter edges for secure installation practices overall. By understanding these key points about proper installation techniques homeowners can rest assured knowing their floors will stay looking great for years to come!
Hiring A Professional To Install Your Underlayment
If you are considering getting your floors professionally installed by Elizabethtown Flooring, then you can rest assured we will take care of choosing the right underlayment for your specific needs. Our professionals not only analyze the flooring in each area of your home, they also will create a custom plan for the specific flooring underlayment needs for each different type of flooring you decide on. Every house/ building is different, and you want to ensure that you get the right underlayment for your situation. When you hire our team to install your flooring and underlayment, your flooring is protected. If you have more questions, read on and feel free to give us a call!
Understanding Your Subfloor
A subfloor is the layer of material that lies between the flooring and the foundation of a home. The subfloor provides support and stability for the flooring above it, and it also helps to protect the flooring from moisture damage. There are three common types of subfloors: plywood, OSB, and concrete. Keep reading to learn more about each type of subfloor and what it is best suited for.
Plywood Subfloors:
Plywood is one of the most common types of subfloors used in homes. It is made up of several layers of thin wood veneers that are glued together. Plywood is strong and stable, and it provides a good base for most types of flooring. However, plywood can be damaged by moisture, so it is not recommended for use in areas where there is a lot of humidity or where there may be leaks.
OSB Subfloors:
OSB stands for Oriented Strand Board. It is similar to plywood in that it is made up of layers of thin wood veneers, but instead of being glued together, the veneers are held together with heat and pressure. OSB is less likely to be damaged by moisture than plywood, so it can be used in areas where there is more humidity. However, OSB is not as strong as plywood, so it is not recommended for use in high-traffic areas.
Concrete Subfloors:
Concrete subfloors are made up of… you guessed it, concrete! Concrete is very strong and durable, so it can be used in high-traffic areas without worry. Concrete subfloors are also resistant to moisture damage, so they can be used in humid areas without concern. The only downside to concrete subfloors is that they can be cold and hard underfoot, so they are not ideal for use in areas where people will be standing for long periods of time (e.g., kitchens). To minimize cold hard floors, make sure to utilize a foam underlayment when installing LVP flooring.
Now that you know more about subfloors, you can make an informed decision about which type of subfloor is right for your home. If you have any questions about choosing or installing the right underlayment for your subfloor, contact us for help!

Which Types Of Flooring Need Underlayment?
If you’re planning to install carpet in your home, underlayment is a must. Carpet underlayment provides a cushiony surface for your feet, reduces noise, and protects your carpet from wear and tear. There are many different types of carpet underlayment available on the market, so be sure to do your research to find the best option for your needs.
Hardwood Floors
Underlayment is not always necessary for hardwood floors, but it can be beneficial in certain situations. If you’re installing hardwood over concrete, for example, an underlayment can help to reduce noise and protect against moisture. If you live in an area with high humidity levels, an underlayment can also help to prevent your hardwood floors from cupping or warping.
Laminate Floors
Like hardwood floors, laminate floors can be installed with or without an underlayment. However, an underlayment can again be beneficial in certain situations. If you’re installing laminate over concrete, for example, an underlayment can help to reduce noise and protect against moisture. An underlayment can also help to make a laminate floor feel more comfortable underfoot. It can also create a more even surface which will reduce movement, cracking and lifting.
Ready For Your New Floors?
Installing underlayment is fairly simple if you know how to work with each type. However, it can still be very time consuming, and materials can be easily wasted from mistakes by inexperienced installers. By hiring our team of professionals at Elizabethtown Flooring, you will ensure you get the right type of underlayment for your subfloor and new flooring materials. You will also save time and make sure it’s done properly. We do it all! Including: Old floor removal, new floor retailing, delivering materials, floor preparation, underlayment installment, and new floor installation. Call (717) 367-8744 today to get started on your new flooring service! We serve the greater Pennsylvania area and even give a pre-measure estimate right over the phone.